
A vue plugin to solve the situation when form is need to validate by complex conditions.

You can not validate a form item triger by other item's change with other validate plugin.


npm install --save-dev vue-validator-help


import Vue from 'vue';
import validate from 'vue-validator-help';


then in your component template, add the validate-form.

<validate-form ref="form" :rule="rule" :config="config">
    <input type="text" v-validate/>
    <input type="text" validate-name="input"/>

if you need to show error text or other style when error, you need to add a object errors(it can be changed by the errorName in config) in your component like

// vue js
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            errors: {},
// when the validate-name="input" is error, the validate from will add the key into errors
errors: {
    input: true,
    inputError: '', // the error text is defined by you config more detail in component
    inputTarget: '', // it will be a HTMLElementDiv

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